news and Media


Jan. 11, 2025: Wall Street firms are ditching climate coalitions. Do they matter? Washington Post.

Jan. 2, 2025: Building Climate Champions, Baruch Alumni Magzine.

Nov. 1, 2024: Adams Administration Appoints Leading Scientific Experts to New York City Panel on Climate Change, NYC Mayor's Office.

Oct. 25, 2024: Cornell-OFR Conference on Climate-related Risks and Financial Stability, Moderator for panel--Investors and Global Climate Financing, Video.

Sep. 6, 2024: Artificial Intelligence: Images and Audio Are Now Data Too, Chicago Booth Review.

July 16, 2024: The growing case to embed climate risk in finance teaching, Financial Times, Invited Op-Ed.

June 5, 2024: Zicklin Undergraduates Study Climate Change Solutions in Brooklyn, Zicklin News.

April 22, 2024: The Inaugural Baruch Unstoppable Podcast--The Climate Change Conversation at Baruch.

April 14, 2024: Webinar: Climate Change and the Insurance Industry, on YouTube, Coverage by the Ticker.

May 1, 2024: Zicklin Professor Named AACSB Influential Leader for Climate Change Research, Zicklin News.

Jan. 4, 2024: A Professor Wants to Make Green the New Black in Business, CUNY Graduate Center News

Nov. 29, 2023: 10th International Conference on Sustainability 'SUSCON X' concludes at IIM Shillong, Telegraphindia.

July 17, 2023: How Palantir stock developed a weird, passionate, meme-crazy fan base, Fast Company. 

May 7, 2023: Male Stock Analysts With ‘Dominant’ Faces Get More Information—and Have Better Forecasts, Wall Street Journal.

April 21, 2023: The Future of Green Finance & ESG Standards, sponsored by Princeton University Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance, Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment, and Bendhiem Center for Finance.

March 10, 2023: Baruch as a Climate Change Hub: Inaugural Conference on Climate Research, Teaching, and Collaboration, also featured in The Ticker, LinkedIn

Feb. 24, 2023: Zicklin Professor Spearheads Baruch’s Inaugural Climate Change Conference, Baruch College Zicklin School of Business

Feb. 15, 2023: How a Stock Analyst’s Face Affects Their Earning Estimates, UCLA Anderson Review

Oct. 27, 2022: @LinPengFin talks about her #KeynesFundResearch The Janeway Institute, University of Cambridge.

Oct. 2022: Face Value: the importance for financial analysts, Cambridge University News.

Dec. 9, 2021, Meme mania is reshaping US markets, Financial Times.

Aug. 12 2021: Relative sentiment and market returns, Alpha Architect.

June 17, 2021: ESG-linked pay: What does the research say?, United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment Newsletter (UNPRI).  

April 24, 2012: Banks' better information may hurt loan investors, Reuters. 

March 21, 2012: Keep a Weather Eye on Stock Liquidity, Study Says, Institutional Investor.

Feb. 14, 2009: Saving the Wall Street Again, Cai Jing Journal (财经).


Financial Management Association Meetings: "Overview and Ideas Session on Social Finance" (10/13/2023)

How social networks impact decision-making in economics and finance? On one hand, social networks facilitate the transmission of valuable information, reducing frictions and leading to more efficient decisions. On the other hand, they can also spread rumors, drive disagreement, and result in market failures and investor losses. The session covers the implications of social networks on belief formation and trading, price dynamics, firm outcomes, meme stocks, online lending platforms, and crowdfunding.

Princeton Univeristy Webinar: "The Future of Green Finance & ESG Standards" (4/21/2023), sponsored by Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance, Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment, and Bendhiem Center for Finance.

American Economic Association Meetings: "Networks in Economics and Finance" (1/6/2023), featuring presentations by Suraj Malladi, Sanjeev Goyal, Alberto G. Rossi, and Lin Peng, and discussions by Sudipta Sarangi, Liyan Yang, Ville Rantala, and Harrison Hong. Organized and chaired by Lin Peng.

University of Cambridge Research talk: "Keynes Fund Economic Research – Social Networks in Economics and Finance" (10/21/2022).  sponsored by Keynes Fund.

University of Cambridge Panel discussion: "Decentralized Finance and ESG: Better or Worse?" (5/18/2022), sponsored by the Janeway Institute, the Keynes Fund and the Faculty of Economics. Panelists: Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Annette L. Nazareth, Lin Peng, and Wei Xiong. Organized by Lin Peng and Wei Xiong.

Baruch College Panel discussion: "We are Climate Action: Climate Change Resilience and Opportunity" (6/2021), Weissman School, City University of New York. Panelists: Leonardo Martinez-Diaz, Sara Menker, and Robert Litterman. Moderator: Lin Peng.